Troublemaker CISO

Troublemaker CISO: Cloud and the Illusion of Simplicity



Ah, the Cloud! The darling of 2024! ✨ But let’s clear the fog, shall we? This shiny buzzword isn’t the silver bullet everyone thinks it is—not even bronze—but a hype machine that’s raking in a jaw-dropping $30 Billion annually for those consultants in their pointy shoes. So, why do we keep falling for this cloud hype? Buckle up, friends; it’s rant time!

Let’s start with the basics. What is “Cloud”? It’s nothing more than a glorified, outsourced data center dressed in fancy marketing jargon, complete with twinkling bells and whistles. Those bells—not the magical kind—are what catch our attention like moths to a flame, promising instant gratification and all kinds of idealistic narratives. Remember the NIRTS model? (Need It Right This Second, in case you need a refresher; prize still up for grabs for those in the know!) But how does this differ from what we’ve always done in a data center or on-premises? Sure, it might cost more upfront, but what you’re really getting is just an illusion of ease.

Here’s the kicker: cloud is not a magic carpet ride where we just sit back and let it all happen. Oh no! It’s more like that fluffy white cloud we doodled in tech meetings—it looks pretty, but underestimating its power could strike you with a bolt of reality. When you break it down, Cloud, On-Prem, and Hosted Data Centers are made of the same foundational elements: hardware, software, and data living in a secure fortress. The actual difference? Well, you have zero direct control over Cloud—you’re left with just a contractual inkling of authority.

Now, the New and Improved NIRTS model allows you to spin up services faster than you can say “budget buster!” Cherry-pick what you need and try out the latest shiny service, as long as you’re willing to fork over the cash. The savings on things like floor space and hardware costs are enticing, but hold on tight. This is a slippery slope! One moment of unchecked enthusiasm can lead to runaway spending faster than you can say “cloud surprise bill.” There’s a horror story from just last quarter where a techie spun up a dozen servers for a fleeting project and forgot to turn them off. Spoiler: it obliterated the OPEX budget for the year!

Shameless punt – Check out

So, why the heck do we think we’re off the hook just because it’s “Cloud”? Is it wishful thinking? A lack of direction from the top? Maybe it’s a little of both, combined with the blind hope that someone else will take care of us. Let’s be real—the same governance hoops you’d jump through for an on-prem solution still apply, but somehow we act as if the rules have magically changed. And then we wonder why it all goes up in smoke!

In 2024, the stakes are even higher. “Just Do It” seems to be the motto of any team member with a credit card and a cloud account, causing chaos before you even see the bill or bad news on the front page. Remember: the sheer volume of risk that Cloud can bring is jaw-dropping! How many of you are really checking the fine print in your contracts? “None of my data goes into the cloud without my express permission” sounds familiar, doesn’t it? But guess what? Your files are probably hanging out in the Cloud right now—Azure, Google—living life to the fullest… without your permission!

Let’s go back to basics. Even if you’re hosting that sacred data in the cloud, you must adhere to standard governance. You heard me right! Every bit of the DEV / SIT / UAT / PROD process still applies, and guess what? Your vendor isn’t handing that to you on a silver platter. Patching? Don’t think it’s optional just because an IT team isn’t directly applying them. You need to ensure that every system is up-to-date and compliant—because if something goes south, that’s still YOUR problem!

And for those dreaming of a leaner workforce? Here’s the cold hard truth: you need just as many staff members as before! Managing, administering, and keeping everything up to date doesn’t magically vanish just because you’re in the Cloud.

Now let’s talk contracts. Have you, as a CxO, CIO, or CTO, taken a good hard look at those terms and conditions? Spoiler alert: you may have signed your sovereignty away without realizing it. You typically have NO leverage in changing terms or conditions, and you’d better get cozy with those liability limitations. Understanding where your responsibilities start and end is job #1 right after reading the fine print.

And let’s clarify one thing: stop acting like this all is new! It’s not a novel universe. The IT peeps might tell you otherwise, but from a Security and Governance standpoint, this is business as usual, just with a fancier cloak. And trust me, the Risk landscape? It’s gotten a whole lot messier!

So, what’s the solution? First off, partner up with someone who knows their way around the cloud jungle. Find someone who can navigate the murky waters and put pen to paper to ensure that responsibilities are crystal clear. Cloud technology is fantastic and packed with benefits, but only if you dive in with your eyes wide open—and with a firm grip on who’s responsible for what. Just like with on-prem solutions, you need to maintain that same level of stringent control!

Next up, let’s chat about those pesky shadow IT tendencies. In this chaotic cloud world, it’s a no-brainer that unauthorized applications can slip through the cracks faster than you can say “data compromise.” And while it’s tempting for teams to grab that shiny cloud service off the shelf without thinking, remember: if something goes awry, all chaos breaks loose, and you’ll be the one facing the music.

In closing, as you plan your cloud strategy moving forward, embrace the technology, yes! Just do it with caution, accountability, and, dare I say it, a healthy dose of skepticism. Know your risks, keep the communication lines open across departments, and don’t let that pretty cloud lull you into a false sense of security.

So, gear up for the cloud 2025 journey ahead—but remember that in this ever-evolving landscape, it’s the same game with newer players. Business as usual might look a bit flashier, but the stakes are as high as ever. Stay sharp, stay informed, and continue to question everything—because when it comes to the Cloud, common sense is your best ally.

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