Troublemaker CISO
The Troublemaker CISO: The Shadow IT Mystery
Ah, the tangled web of Shadow IT—a topic that never fails to ruffle feathers! Nothing ruins an otherwise perfectly good day quite like discovering that someone pulled a “brilliant” (read: utterly reckless) move to get things done. For those living under a rock, Shadow IT is simply “the use of IT systems, devices, software, applications, and services without explicit IT approval.” But let me tell you, unless you’re part of the security squad or IT, that definition is just a cloud of dust in the wind, and it turns our lives into a three-ring circus!
Let’s get one thing straight: there’s a cornucopia of tools out there—yes, I’m talking about that gleaming cloud again!—that anyone can pick up, plug in, and call their own. They solve all those little problems we all have and come with shiny websites plastered with stunning graphics, all designed to make you go weak at the knees. Enter Johnny Do-Good—a shining example of our Shadow IT follies.
Picture this: Johnny has a gnarly SQL query problem. In his quest for glory (and perhaps a fatter bonus), he thinks, “If I sort this out quickly, I’ll be the hero!” So, off he goes to (you’ll never guess how heartbroken I was to find out that domain isn’t even active). With a few “nexts” and “finishes,” voilà—he’s got a shiny new tool, and just like that, his problem disappears. Lightbulb moment! Johnny’s strutting around like he just won the company lottery, and everyone thinks he’s the dime of the day.
But wait! Hold onto your coffee mugs because news flash: disaster strikes! A massive data breach goes public, exposing a treasure trove of client information. Suddenly, it’s “all hands on deck” as everyone’s pulled from their cozy beds (again, why does this always happen on a Friday night?!) to mitigate the fallout.
Meanwhile, Cyber Ops are door-knocking on databases, the Data Privacy Officers are spinning in circles assessing impact, and your favorite CEO is breathing fire down my neck asking, “How did you let this happen?!” Oh, I don’t know—maybe because you wouldn’t invest in Data Loss Prevention (DLP)! But of course, Johnny is still snoozing soundly, blissfully unaware of the digital apocalypse he unwittingly unleashed.
After some sleuthing, we pinpoint our dastardly villain—yes, Johnny! Turns out that nice little service he signed up for claimed ownership over any data uploaded. Surprise, surprise! One of those “next” buttons he clicked accepted terms that would make your hair curl. Note to everyone: nothing is truly free; there’s always a catch lurking beneath the surface.
So, we drag Johnny into the meeting room (no torture devices here, just some uncomfortable chairs) for a lively interrogation by our forensic analyst. Let’s just say Johnny looks completely blindsided—he didn’t realize he was setting off a bomb. He was just trying to do a good job, bless his innocent heart! But the real issue isn’t Johnny’s poor judgment; it’s the fact that he kicked governance and controls to the curb like a bad habit.
Now, expand this nightmare scenario to executives who decide to transport their sensitive data to the cloud without so much as a “Hey, IT, what do you think?” This is why Shadow IT keeps me up at night! The fact that anyone armed with a credit card can simply waltz into a cloud store and grab services is downright terrifying. Sure, it might seem easier or faster, but folks, that doesn’t make it right!
IT isn’t just a group of button-pushers; we’re the guardians of the tech that truly fits your business, ensuring that it’s secure, compliant, and aligned with your long-term strategy. Shadow IT undermines all of that hard work, leading to duplicated services and potential data loss, not to mention blowing budgets like confetti in a parade.
You have to ask: is it necessary? Just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should! I’m reminded of that classic movie quote: “Scientists are so preoccupied with whether they could, they never stop to think whether they should.” Swap “scientists” for “you,” and you can see where I’m going with this. (Again, there is a prize to be had if you know which movie this is from, bonus if you know the actor 😊 )
That’s right! Technology can bring insane value to a business, but it must be done without causing self-inflicted wounds. Because once your departments venture off the reservation, you risk bypassing the necessary controls that keep us all employed, and trust me, nobody wants the board breathing down their neck with panic-stricken concerns.
So, how do we tackle this Shadow IT beast? Sadly, there’s no magic wand for this one. It’s all about doing the dirty work—finding out what services are currently in use. Start by combing through your firewalls to see which cloud services are sneaking through. Pro tip: block some of those rogue services and watch the fireworks! When the cries of “What do you mean I can’t use this?” start erupting, you’ll have identified your culprits in no time.
Next, have your finance team dive into the corporate credit card statements. There’s bound to be a shiny line item for that “super cool app” someone just had to purchase. You can also enlist the procurement department to track down any rogue OPEX purchases that bypassed the usual channels. This might feel like a treasure hunt…but without the actual treasure.
Education is key, my friends! Make Shadow IT part of your overall Information Security Awareness Campaign. Everyone—yes, I mean every single person—should be required to pass the training. I know some incredible professionals who can guide you through this journey; make it mandatory or die trying!
And let’s not forget to create a list of approved cloud or internet services your company subscribes to. Transparency is your friend here. Publish it widely so everyone knows what services are on the “nice” list, and encourage open communication when someone has a nifty idea that isn’t on that list.
Now, about that earlier mental outburst of mine—you know, the one that could go viral if I let it—don’t forget to circle back to your finance team or anyone who waved off your DLP budget. Hand them a copy of this fun fiasco we just chronicled. Ideally, this will open their eyes and help secure some much-needed funds! And if not, well, you might want to keep that killware card handy for a future discussion…
So, there you have it, straight from the mind of the Troublemaker CISO. Shadow IT isn’t going away, but it doesn’t have to wreak havoc on your organization. With a little diligence, communication, and a firm hand, we can tame the chaos and turn rogue employees into savvy allies. Remember, it’s all about keeping a watchful eye while fostering a culture that values security just as much as innovation.